I’m on book 5 of Mage Errant by John Beirce. Came across it on Kindle Unlimited and it’s been pretty fun. Short reads, progression fantasy mildly YA, but I’m enjoying them.

What are y’all reading?

  • @H3L1X@lemmy.ml
    311 months ago

    I am currently reading Reaper, book 10 in the Cradle series by Will Wright. So far enjoying the series.

    Also on re-reading Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett for my endless Discworld re-read.

    • @faxOPA
      211 months ago

      Oh Reaper was really nice, you have some great stuff coming up in the next books. I finished Cradle this summer and it was SO good. Very satisfying finish.

      I’m still on my first go-through of Discworld. I’ve read City Watch, a few standalones and am on the Witches books now. Next up is Maskerade.

      • @H3L1X@lemmy.ml
        211 months ago

        Glad to hear it has a satisfying end. I have been quite enjoying the series so far. I need to figure out what I am going to read next, as I’m nearing the end of Cradle. I am thinking of starting the Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds, as I usually like to go back and forth between fantasy and sci-fi, but I’m always open to recommendations.

        How do you like it so far? The Discworld series is my personal favorite, so I am always happy to see people getting into it! If you are enjoying it, you should check out !discword@lemmy.ml.

        • @faxOPA
          311 months ago

          We have a Discworld community here as well, it’s just taking a bit to get it going. Our instance is trying to be a collective home for anything Sci-Fi or Fantasy related :)

          If you haven’t read it yet, Murderbot Diaries is fun Sci-Fi. Short, quick reads but very tight pacing and storytelling and a wonderful main POV character (it’s told in first-person).

          • @H3L1X@lemmy.ml
            211 months ago

            Ah cool, I have subscribed to it as well! Thanks!

            I have not yet, and I have seen it on a few lists, so I will have to check it out, thank you!

        • @Nighed
          211 months ago

          That’s a series I have somehow missed - looks to be quite a recently (and fast?) Written series - is it complete?

          I think the only non classic sci-fi series I can think of to recommend is the Lost Fleet series. It’s not for everyone one though.

          • @H3L1X@lemmy.ml
            211 months ago

            I am not sure if it’s complete or not. I don’t know too much about it, just that it was recommended to me and the premise sounds interesting.

            Alright cool thanks, I have added that to my list as well.