This looks so great. I love that they are focusing on the prophecy and all that entails.

  • Granite
    91 year ago

    I’m upvoting this, but I also won’t watch the trailer since I already know I’m going to see this movie.

    • teft
      81 year ago

      Same here. Part one was enough of a trailer for me to decide to see part two. Well that and knowing the story from the books.

      31 year ago

      It’s been years since I’ve stopped spoiling movies for myself and I no longer watch trailers. I do like to jump into discussions about the trailers to get the general vibe.

      But it’s so satisfying to discover the whole look and every beat of the movie for the first time when actually watching the movie. Yeah, I’ve read the book, and seen Lynch’s adaptation and even the TV series but I’d rather wait.