For me it is the fact that our blood contains iron. I earlier used to believe the word stood for some ‘organic element’ since I couldn’t accept we had metal flowing through our supposed carbon-based bodies, till I realized that is where the taste and smell of blood comes from.

  • @TheActualDevil
    110 months ago

    So not really then. I’ve always heard this but not seen it explained. But what you’re saying is that with every interaction the likely hood of finding a match goes up. But realistically, probabilities like that are just fun quirks of math, not representations of reality. Probabilities are doing the math on events, but these are events discussing concrete and unchanging dates. Every person paired up isn’t given a random date in every interaction. They have a set date from the outset, you just don’t know it. There’s not a random number generator picking a number from a set every time. Unless you’re in a simulation and none of this is real and birthdays don’t exist and the computer you’re plugged into has to make up a random birthday every time you interact.

    • Iraglassceiling [she/her]
      1610 months ago

      Sorry, but I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say. If you have questions you can click on the Wikipedia link!

      • @TheActualDevil
        -310 months ago

        Ah. Sorry, I assumed you knew what you were talking about about and not just copy/pasting a thing you found. My bad.

          • @TheActualDevil
            -310 months ago

            Your inability to understand is not my problem. I suggest a reading comprehension class. I understand that some of those big words like “Probabilities” and “math” might be too much for you. It’s okay. We all have things we’re good at. You’ll find yours one day.

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      1010 months ago

      That’s completely wrong lol. Nowhere is there an assumption that birthdays are randomized each time, you just don’t understand the math.