the way that radiant healing and the surge of progression (regrowth) works, is by making someones body the way they see themselves. even old wounds can be healed this way, as long as the person doesnt yet accept their current body. this is demonstraded by lopen healing their arm.

so what would happen if a trans person (or generally any person with body dysmorthia) who doesnt accept their current body were healed this way? in my unchangable opionion, their body should transform to how they see themselves, physically transitioning them! i imagine a closeted, radiant trans person sucking in storm light for the first time and suddenly changing their appearance, to the surprise of everyone

  • @cosmere_play
    28 months ago

    Yes!! There’s also a great fic with that premise, with the darker consequences of radiant healing when it’s not safe to be out yet. An Edgedancer’s Tale by Susanoko

    And if you’re interested in any other Stormlight fics with trans themes I gotchu. Lift and Kaladin are fan favourites but I also know of mtf!Elhokar and enby!Adolin off the top of my head.

    • riwoOP
      28 months ago

      i havent read a lot of fanfics yet but that definitely sounds intwesting. ones i run out of official material i will pwobably start lookign into it! can u recomment anything more?

      • @cosmere_play
        28 months ago

        I can recommend so many! 😂 when you’re caught up feel free to send me a message again either here or on my tumblr @cosmereplay and I can narrow down some recs for you!